Advance Your Mission & 
Impact Greater Change Through Artificial Intelligence

Advance Your Mission & 

Accelerate Impact w/ Your Ally.AI!

Sign Me Up!

Early Bird pricing ends June 2nd, 2024!

It used to be that A.I. was just a character in a Will Smith movie. Now? It’s no longer just a buzzword—it’s 2024 and A.I. is here, staring us in the face.

On our phones, in our cars and yes, even in our classrooms.

Some of us want to deny it exists.

Some of us want to stomp it out before it gets any bigger.

And some of us (**ahem** yours truly!) want to use A.I. to help change our communities for the better. 

Hear me out : When you’re standing at the crossroads of change you can choose to move in fear…or move in impact.

Real impact.


A.I. has the power to disrupt the way we operate within these outdated systems and structures, we just need to know how to use it.


A.I. has the power to disrupt the way we operate within these outdated systems and structures, we just need to know how to use it.



We now have a unique opportunity to dive deep into the strengths of A.I. and purpose it for the betterment of our communities.

Enter your new Toolkit for Change…

The A.I. Accelerator

A three-hour A.I. Bootcamp for K-12 Coaches, Consultants & Leaders who want
to impact real change in their classrooms and communities

Join us as we partner with A.I. to... 

your workload

Add new tools in your AI toolbox to transform time-consuming tasks, effortlessly.


Enhance your communication skills and turn every interaction into an opportunity for growth and collaboration.

Spark creative solutions

Streamline your daily efforts for maximum impact and solve greater problems with better efficiency

Elevate your educational impact

Create better and more personalized learning experiences for those you teach and consult with.

This hands-on training will build your skills with powerful A.I. tools:


  • Transform how you tackle grant and proposal writing so you can turn your deadlines into victories

  •  Capture the essence of every Zoom or Teams meeting, so you’re freed up to engage and connect on a deeper level

  • Declutter your backend and create more space to invite in collaborative projects

  • Stop losing track of your ideas! Learn how to record and file every spark of brilliance so they don’t fade into oblivion

  • Easily navigate the maze of client communication, ensuring your messages land and convert (aka sell!)
  • Re-work your presentations so you can make every lesson, seminar or keynote an engaging, unforgettable experience
  • Make your complex ideas easier to digest so you don’t lose any students along the way  
  • Strategize your social content and increase your outreach so you can make every post count! 

The A.I. Accelerator

A three-hour A.I. Bootcamp for K-12 Coaches, Consultants & Leaders who want
to impact real change in their classrooms and communities


3-hour bootcamp training + Q/A (value $497)

BONUS : Lifetime access to workshops (value $999)

BONUS : Notion template(s) (value $99)

BONUS : Powerful Prompt Bundle (value $27)

TOTAL VALUE = $1,622

Regular Price = $297

Early Bird Price = $197

Yes! I need this!

 Save $100 until June 2nd, 2024!

Meet Your Coach

Anashay Wright is a highly sought-after thought leader, with more than two decades of experience designing innovative solutions across the nonprofit, public, and higher education sectors. When she's not working with education leaders, she's promoting tech justice & equity for all by designing and facilitating innovative professional learning workshops for education professionals. This includes workshops that teach ways to use generative A.I. responsibly through her company, Disruptive Partners K-12 Education & Innovation firm.

Closing the A.I. Literacy Gap & advancing Tech Justice isn't just an initiative—it's the vehicle that will close every learning, poverty, and prison pipeline and gap.


By empowering ourselves and our communities with A.I. knowledge and skills, we're paving the way for a future where opportunities are abundant, and barriers to education, prosperity, and freedom are dismantled.

This journey is about helping more people view A.I. as An Ally™ in diversity, equity, and inclusion. It's about demonstrating the transformative power of digital literacy in eradicating inequalities and opening doors for everyone (especially in our beloved Metro Atlanta).

So, are you ready to be part of the A.I. Literacy movement??

Let's dive into this together, and prove what's possible when we bring our collective strengths to the table and harness A.I. as a force…for good! 

Join us now, and let's embark on this empowering journey together. 

Together, we can redefine leadership, learning and community in the digital age!

...and more!

The A.I. Accelerator

A three-hour A.I. Bootcamp for K-12 Coaches, Consultants & Leaders who want
to impact real change in their classrooms and communities


3-hour bootcamp training + Q/A (value $497)

BONUS : Lifetime access to workshops (value $999)

BONUS : Notion template(s) (value $99)

BONUS : Powerful Prompt Bundle (value $27)

TOTAL VALUE = $1,622

Regular Price = $297

Early Bird Price = $197

I'm in!

 Save $100 until June 2nd, 2024!

Frequently Asked Questions


Who is The A.I. Accelerator for? 

This accelerator is a three-hour A.I. Bootcamp specifically designed for K-12 coaches, consultants, and leaders who aim to drive significant change in their classrooms and communities. This program is tailored for education professionals who want to leverage A.I. tools to ease their workload, enhance connectivity, spark creative solutions, and elevate their educational impact.


How will this bootcamp help me improve my daily operations in education?

This bootcamp will equip you with hands-on skills in using A.I. to transform various aspects of your work. From easing the grant and proposal writing process to mastering efficient note-taking, decluttering your organizational tasks, and enhancing marketing strategies; you'll learn to use specific AI tools like ChatGPT,, Notion AI, and several others to streamline your daily efforts and solve problems more efficiently.


What are the key outcomes I can expect from participating in the A.I. Accelerator?

Participants will learn to effectively integrate A.I. tools into their professional practices, achieving outcomes like increased efficiency in writing and mastery in note-taking and organization, supported by A.I. tools that are designed to maximize your impact and efficiency in education.


What additional benefits does the A.I. Accelerator offer?

Beyond the training sessions, participants will receive lifetime access to all workshop materials, a Notion template to help organize and implement what you've learned, a powerful prompt bundle to assist with A.I. tool usage, and continued support to ensure you can apply A.I. solutions effectively within your role.


How do I sign up for the A.I. Accelerator and what is the cost?

You can sign up for the A.I. Accelerator by clicking the "Sign Me Up!" or "Yes! I need this!" buttons on this sales page. The total value of the program is $1,622, but we're offering it for Early Bird today for just $197. It's a significant savings and incredible value for all the resources and skills you'll gain!

Let's build the future of education, today.